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SmartTag â„¢ … Scaffolding activities at a glance

SmartTag â„¢ … Scaffolding activities at a glance

December 19, 2019

SmartTag â„¢ is a proven cloud-based management system, developed in-house by the IT specialists of BrandSafway. SmartTag has hundreds of users worldwide who see the tools simplicity and flexibility as its strengths.

Anyone who has ever taken a tour of a project site is familiar with the existing physical labels (scafftags) attached to racks. SmartTag is an online addition to this and meets the need for real-time information. As soon as a site account has been created for SmartTag, QR codes can be added to the outstanding statements in the scafftag holder. After scanning with a tablet or smartphone, access is gained to SmartTag, where generic data such as date, time and location based on GPS coordinates are automatically registered.

For an overview of the activities on a site, the geographical display in SmartTag is often used. The customer then has all locations with the corresponding scafftags in view at a glance.

One of the great advantages of SmartTag is that the administration is up-to-date faster and therefore costs can be managed more. Another advantage is that SmartTag replaces the printed form flow, reducing the need for paper and filing.

Contact us for a demo.

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